Tag Archives: army social media

Monitoring Social Media

The Social Media Handbook for CEOs, CMOs and General Managers offers detailed instructions for the methodical monitoring of
– your brands online presence,
– the presence of your competitor’s brands
– and the activities of your target group.
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Paid Monitoring and Measuring Tools for Social Media

Today’s offerings of paid tools for social media monitoring and measuring are not yet satisfying, even the much hyped Radian6, which has just been aquired by Salesforce.com. There is still no comfortable solution to substitute your manual research. But the software options being offered can of course support your efforts and make your work easier.

In my “Social Media Handbook for CEOs, CMOs and General Managers” you will find a list of paid tools and their main features.

Free Monitoring and Measuring Tools for Social Media

Always start out with free tools to measure social media presences and social media marketing results.


If you are not PepsiCo’s Gatorade and can afford a “social media command center” then find out about the necessary features for your measuring purposes by trying as many free (online) tools as possible. You will definitely be able to gather a lot of data with these tools, but you will also be able to decide what is necessary to satisfy your measuring needs. With this know-how you will be much better equipped to decide on the proper paid measuring tool to buy or subscribe to. Here are two lists: free tools and paid tools.
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The Social Media Marketing Concept in 7 steps

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Goal setting – what is your goal with social media marketing? Click for a the list of most common goals. You can manage the 7 steps with sonncom’s online concept guide.

Budgeting and Capacity
Most marketing budgets have not kept pace with the recent changes in communication culture. Now they have to be adapted and a social media marketing mix has to be added. Click for budget allocation and capacity planning.

By the way: a social media marketing concept IS NOT:

  • your iPhone app, which at best reaches a certain smartphone elite,
  • a few lost tweets mentioning your brand promotion,
  • a facebook page, which has to reach its audience in a parallel universe of 700 million people,
  • uploading tv-spots to YouTube, „to tap into their viral potential…“,
  • offering a discount at Groupon,
  • the endless internal discussion necessary to “narrow down our options and to definitely find the right strategy”.

A professional concept includes a strategy, is tailored to the target group’s needs, ca be started fast, is simple and easy to manage, is flexible and it needs to correspond with the overal marketing concept.
It can be created in 7 systematic steps: [Continue reading →]

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